Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged.
Um. Exactly one year ago my university of choice sent me an email (to my school email that I apparently haven't checked in a while) asking if I was going to go to any classes or not, seeing as I accepted their offer of admission. I never registered, I just applied and was accepted
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I'm off to the oncologist tomorrow to be probed and irradiated. These will the first invasive scans since my surgery so I can see if they left any huge jagged chunks of metal or other surgical implemants in me - if they have I'll never have to have another MRI again! A girl can dream, at least
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- Comment with “THE WORLD IS MELTING” - I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity - Update your journal with the answers to my questions - Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions
At first I thought I was having a stroke, or a heart attack, and that I had beat cancer-ha haThen I thought the construction guys out front had done something to the building and screwed the foundation or something
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First-did you know its actually possible to rip skin off while removing a bandaid? I didn't think you could until just a few days ago. Funny enough the new one I ripped myself is actually 2-3x bigger than the injury I had covered with the bandaid. Oh life, you so funny
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So, I finally manage to get shit faced drunk and make it to bed without falling down and smashing my knees in (which is something of a tradition at this point), and I figure, yeah, I've broken my record, I'm in the clear now
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I'm probably going to be offline for awhile. If you need to contact me, or if anything interesting happens drop me a reply in the comments section of this post.